Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Internet Beyond Human Control :: essays research papers

The cyberspace Beyond Human ControlThe net income has started to change the focus of the world during this decade.More homes, companies, and schools are getting hooked online with the Internetduring the past few years. This change has started to become the new way of bearing pre direct and future. The Internet system is so advanced it is ahead of ourtime. This system is becoming predominately used everyday, but every which wayit works out this system ends up in a negative way.The Internet System has started to migrate in many schools. The domesticates that arehooked online are mostly colleges. This is because the Internet is capable offlashing up pornographic picture or comments at anytime. Also their is manydifferent chat lines that consist of a lot of profanity and violence. Amajority of laid-back school students are minors. This is why most colleges arehooked up online to the Internet system. The government is trying to figure outways to police the Internet so this will not happen. The problem with that isit is a very hard task to do. It is almost guaranteed this will not happen foranother five to ex years.Being hooked up online helps make high school easy to slide through. There is astudent at Chichester Senior High School that has a home computer hooked onlinewith the Internet system. So when he has a term paper due all he does is down incumbrance a term paper on the system with the alike topic. He just puts his name onthe paper, hands it in, and receives an A. In return when he hits college lifehe will not know how to write a term paper. This will cause him to drop out. Iknow other students do the same thing he does. Now students will come out ofhigh school not healthy educated.The Internet system is set up in a way we can give and receive mail. This mailis called electronic mail usually known as e-mail. This mail will be sent towhere you want it the second you click send with the mouse. The regular U.S.mail takes two days if you are sending mail from Philadelphia to Media. Now ifyou mail from glide to coast that could take up to two weeks. When my parentswent to Mexico for two weeks they tried to send me a postcard, but I didntreceive it till the next day they came back. This could very well end up tobecome a problem. Soon no one will even want to use U.

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